Privacy Policy

Top House Realty strives for user privacy.

Protection of personal information

The policy for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by Top House Realty is based on Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by institutions, bodies, institutions and agencies of the European Union, and also the free movement of such data and the abrogation of Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and Decision No 1247/2002 / EC.

Distribution of privacy policy

Current Privacy Policy applies to Top House Realty websites in .com domain
Although you can browse most of these websites without providing any information about yourself, in some cases personal information is required to provide the electronic services you requested. Websites that require such information process it in accordance with the policies described in the above rules and provide information on the use of your data in their specific privacy policy.

Links to third-party sites

Top House Realty's institutional web sites on the .com domain provide links to third-party sites. Since we do not control them, we recommend that you read their privacy policy.

You trust us with your personal information

  • Using Top House Realty services, you trust us with your personal information. We do everything to ensure its safety and at the same time provide you with the ability to manage your data.
  • Carefully read our Privacy Policy to know what information we collect, for what purposes we use it and how you can change, export or delete it.
  • This Privacy Policy has been developed to ensure compliance with international and European law (European Union law and Council of Europe law) on the protection of information, copyrights, intellectual property rights and other related rights, as well as in order to protect rights and legal interests of Top House Realty


The website is an open Internet resource intended for users from all over the world, without restrictions on territorial and other grounds.
  • Information collected by the site can be processed and stored in any country in the world (possibly different from the country through which the user provided and / or posted his information).
  • Currently, all website information is stored in specialized information systems (servers) located in the European Union.
  • The site is owned by the Spanish company Top House Realty S.L.

Electronic services

An electronic service at Top House Realty is a service or resource available on the Internet for communication between our services and customers who have contacted us through the e-mail indicated on the site and the completed contact form.
  • Information services that provide people, media, business, administrations and other categories of users with easy and effective access to our information
  • Interactive communication services that improve contacts with people, businesses, civil society, and government to facilitate policy advice and feedback.
  • Transactional services that provide access to all the main forms of transactions in the EU, such as procurement, financial transactions, recruitment, registration for events, obtaining documents
Information contained in the Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy contains the following information:
  • What information is collected and for what purpose and by what technical means we collect personal information to achieve a specific goal
  • To whom your information is disclosed
  • How can you access your information, check its accuracy and, if necessary, correct it
  • How long is your data stored
  • What security measures have been taken to protect your information from possible unauthorized use or unauthorized access?

Types of Information and Responsibility

  • Information on the Top House Realty website in any form (text, photo, audio or video) is provided for informational purposes only.
  • In order to ensure maximum compliance with international law and these Rules, Top House Realty moderates comments on publications on the site.
  • In case of violations of the law and the current Rules, the site administration reserves the right to block the comment.

What personal data do we collect

We collect only the personal data that the user sent to us for communication and ordering agency services. Such personal data may be:

  • Username
  • E-mail address
  • contact phone number
In addition to user-specified data, may collect and store the following information:

  • Any registered user information, for example, if a written request was sent or payment was made through the site.
  • Any information reflecting the relationship of users with the site, including messages, communications and geolocation data.
  • If a visitor leaves a comment on the site, we collect the data specified in the comment form, as well as the visitor’s IP address and browser user-agent data in order to determine spam.


An anonymous string created from your email address (“cache”) can be provided to the Gravatar service to determine if you are using it. Gravatar privacy policy is available here: After the comment is approved, your profile picture may be publicly visible in the context of your comment.

Where do we send your data

  • User comments can be checked by the automatic spam detection service.
  • Embed content from other websites
Pages on this site may include embedded content from other websites (such as videos and images). Such content behaves as if a visitor has visited another site. These sites may collect your data, use cookies, implement additional third-party tracking and monitor your interaction with the embedded content, including tracking the interaction if you have an account and you are authorized on that site.

How we protect your data

  • We do our best to protect our site and our users from unauthorized attempts to access, modify, disclose or destroy the data stored by us. In particular, we do the following:
  • We are actively using SSL encryption in our services.
  • We provide two-step authentication for accessing site accounts and the Safe Browsing feature in Google Chrome.
  • We are constantly improving methods of collecting, storing and processing data, including physical security measures, to counter unauthorized access to our systems.
  • We restrict access to personal data to our employees, contractors and agents, as well as impose strict contractual obligations on them, for the violation of which serious liability and penalties are provided.

Data and information processing

Processing data and information means operations to collect, organize, accumulate, store, analyze and other actions that are not contrary to international and European legislation on the collection and processing of information. You can familiarize yourself in detail with the Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data in Russian.

Top House Realty uses Google services to collect user data. This is done to make our services more convenient. Thanks to this, we not only determine in which language you asked, but we solve more complex problems, for example: we automatically select useful publications.
We register information that we collect using unique identifiers associated with browsers, applications and devices. This allows us to memorize your settings and other data so that you do not have to re-specify them in a new session.

Automated data processing

  • Automated data processing is carried out in accordance with the Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data.
  • The use and processing of any information posted on is subject to international and European law, as well as the current Privacy Policy of the site.
  • In the process of improving and developing additional services and systems of the site, Top House Realty may change and / or supplement these terms and conditions of the site.
  • When using any functionality of the site and registering on the site, users accept and agree with all the provisions and rules of the Privacy Policy of the site
  • By using our services, you expressly agree to the processing of your data
  • Top House Realty has feedback forms for processing online applications for agency services, a newsletter subscription form and an access form for downloading useful materials in the form of a questionnaire.
  • To use such services, minimum (mandatory) data on the user’s communication details and additional data at the discretion of users are required.
  • For example, for the customer of services, the minimum required personal information is the contact information for feedback: email address and / or phone number.
  • For what purpose do we collect information and process user data
  • User identification to ensure the security of transactions that are carried out using the services of the site
  • Interaction with contact persons of customer users in the process of negotiating and concluding transactions and agreements, for example: request via email, phone call or via Skype
  • Fulfillment of obligations by Top House Realty provided for by international and regional laws, including the protection of copyright and intellectual property, as well as the agreement on the provision of paid services.

What information do we collect

  • In addition to personal data, depending on the services used during processing, Top House Realty may collect and store the following information:
  • Any registered contact and financial information of the user in case payment was made through the site
  • Any information reflecting the relationship of users with the services of Top House Realty and partners of the company, including messages, calls, geolocation data and any other statistical information
  • Top House Realty may place cookies on your computer in order to collect various data for marketing research within the framework permitted by international law
  • Top House Realty collects information that helps improve our services, from language settings to more complex features. For example, we may find useful ads for you.

What sources do we collect information from
Information from users

To use some of our services, you must have an account on the site. When creating it, we ask you for personal data, for example, name, email address, phone number and save them in the database of the site.
Information that we receive as a result of your use of the services. We collect information about how and what services you use. This happens when, for example, you watch a video on the portal, visit websites that use our advertising services, or browse or interact with our advertisements or content. These data include the following:

Device Information
We collect device information (such as model, operating system version, unique device identifiers, as well as data on the mobile network and phone number).

Location information
At Google, we collect and process data about your actual location. We also use various technologies for determining coordinates.

Unique application numbers
Some services use unique program identifiers. They, along with information about the
application (for example, version number or type of operating system) can be sent to Google when installing or uninstalling the service, as well as during automatic communication sessions with servers (when downloading updates, etc.).

Cookies and similar technologies that are unique identifiers for your browser or Google account.

In order to collect the listed data, we use the Google Analytics service, which analyses traffic on the site and in applications and can connect to our other services, including those using DoubleClick cookies. In this case, Google technology allows you to combine the collected information with data about what actions users perform on the site.
  • Thanks to the data received, we can provide, maintain, protect, develop existing services and create new ones, as well as ensure the security of our users. Among other things, this data is needed in order to more accurately personalize content, including increasing the relevance of search results and displayed advertising.
  • When you contact the administration of the Top House Realty website through the request form, your messages are saved so that we can solve your problem faster. Sometimes we send users e-mail notifications of upcoming changes or improvements to the services.
  • The data collected through cookies, web beacons and similar tools enhances the functionality and overall quality of our services. One of the tools we use for this is Google Analytics. For example, knowing the language preferences of users, we will offer them a version of a product in their languages.
  • When choosing personalized advertising, we do not associate cookies and various identifiers with data of a strictly personal nature, such as race, religion, sexual orientation or health status.
  • Our systems automatically analyze your content (including emails) to provide features that are useful to you. These may include relevant ads, spam and malware detection.

Responsibility for maintaining the confidentiality of information

For the confidentiality of information about your personal data (including the unique password and your account, if this information takes place), you are fully responsible, including for all actions and their consequences performed on the site on your behalf ( on behalf of your account or profile). In this regard, we ask you not to disclose your personal data and account access data to third parties.

How long do we keep information

In some cases, we store user information for a certain period of time, if this is due to justifiable commercial or legal purposes.

We do everything necessary so that the personal data of users in our services are not deleted accidentally or as a result of illegal actions. Therefore, information may not disappear from our active services and backup systems immediately after you delete it or ask us to delete it.

Updating information on the site

We regularly update information on the Top House Realty website, the Privacy Policy, and process user information in accordance with it.

Data transfer

Since our servers can be located in different regions around the world, the information of a particular user may not be processed in the country in which he lives. The level of information protection and legal regulations in this area may vary in different countries. Regardless of where exactly your data is processed, Top House Realty uses the same security measures described in this Privacy Policy.
Top House Realty also adheres to a number of data transfer laws, including the US-EU privacy agreement EU-US Privacy Shield Framework, and a similar Swiss-US Privacy Shield Framework between the US and Switzerland.
When we receive a written complaint, we contact the sender. If we are not able to resolve the claim regarding the use of personal data directly when interacting with you, we submit it for consideration to state bodies that have the appropriate authority.

European Union law

To the extent that the legislation of the European Union (EU) regarding the protection of personal data extends to the processing of your data, we provide the means described in this Privacy Policy with which you can request access to your information, update or delete it, as well as configure restrictions on its processing. In addition, you have the right to prohibit the processing of your personal data or transfer them to another service.
The processing of your information is carried out for the purposes set forth in this Privacy Policy, on the following legal grounds:
  • User has consented to this.
  • The activities of Top House Realty in their legitimate interests
  • Provision of services
  • Execution of obligations
  • User has consented to the processing of information.
To process your information for one reason or another, we need your consent. You have the right to withdraw it at any time. For example, such consent is required in order to contact you and fill out your application for a service, show or send you personalized information, provide an opportunity and access to online services, save a search history in order to more effectively recognize your needs.

Top House Realty Website Content Policy

The user has the right to:
  • Use and disseminate information about the site, distribute site publications with the obligatory indication of the author’s name, publication source name and hyperlink to the source:
  • Read, view and listen to information posted on the site under a free and open license
  • Use other site services provided on certain conditions, under or without a contract or user agreement.
Google Analytics

  • Google Analytics is a corporate service that measures the performance of the Top House Realty website located on the domain
  • By default, website visitors are tracked using persistent cookies from Top House Realty. You can opt out of tracking.
  • We have links to sites that currently use their own analytical system. Visit their legal notice pages for more information. Learn more about Google Analytics
  • Many of the Top House Realty web pages have a contact button that activates your email software and invites you to send your comments to a specific inbox. When you send such a message, your personal data is collected only in order to respond to the appeal.
  • If the team responsible for the mailbox cannot answer your question, it will forward your email to another service. By e-mail you will be informed about which service your question was sent to.
  • If you have any questions regarding the processing of your email and related personal data, do not hesitate to include them in your message.

Data protection

The collected personal data is stored on the computer of an external subcontractor that acts as a processor, which should guarantee the data protection and privacy required by Regulation (EU) 2018/1725.
Who is responsible for data processing?
Company: Top House Realty Legal address: c/ Enric Granados 103, Barcelona. Phone: +34 938 524 432. Email: Domain name:

Checking, changing or deleting information

If you want to check, change or delete your personal data stored by responsible controllers for the Top House Realty website and its subsidiary sites, you can send an email to the data controller for the Top House Realty website at the address below. In the letter, clearly indicate your request and indicate the URL of the website / web pages that your request links to.

Document version

The original version of this Privacy Policy is set forth in Russian. In the case of semantic distortion (discrepancy) of the present text when it is translated into any other language, the original version of the text in Russian will have an advantage.

Compliance with the law and cooperation with state authorities
We periodically check whether the privacy policy is respected. We also adhere to a number of self-regulatory principles, including the US-EU privacy agreement EU-US Privacy Shield Framework, as well as a similar Swiss-US Privacy Shield Framework between the US and Switzerland. If we receive a written complaint, we contact the sender and consider the problem. If we are not able to directly resolve the claim with the user regarding the use of personal data, we submit it to the state authorities that have the appropriate authority.

Dispute Resolution

If there are disagreements and disputes between the user and Top House Realty, which could not be resolved on their own, by peaceful agreement of the parties or by reaching consensus, the rules of international and European law are applied, under the jurisdiction of which Top House Realty is operating.

Terms and Definitions

  • In this document, the main terms and definitions have the following meanings.
  • Top House Realty services are tools, services, a blog with useful information, download materials, feedback forms, payment functionality for placing orders, and other site features available to the user on the website.
  • User an individual who uses the Internet resource directly on his behalf or on behalf of the company or from a third party (with the consent of the latter) in order to search and familiarize himself with the information contained on the site, use it for educational and other purposes, to place ads, advertisements and other information, or to purchase goods / services.
  • Personal information is the information you provide that identifies you. These include: name, email address and other data that Top House Realty may consider personal. The user has the right to always change or delete the specified data through the settings of the personal account, if any, or through a written request addressed to the site administration.
  • Personal information that does not allow identification of a user is information about users recorded and grouped so as not to indicate specific people.
  • Additional information is the additional data of the user, which he can indicate when applying for the selection of a personalized service or to receive advice.
  • Registration on the site - the user takes actions related to creating an Account and indicating personal data in the form established on the site in order to gain access to certain services of the site.
  • A personal account is an individual section of the site created for the user in order to register on the website, to manage his profile and access to the use of various website services. For security and protection of personal data, each user has a personalized personal account (individual login, for example, email address) and an individual password created in person, the disclosure of which is not allowed.
  • Posting information - this is the publication by the user of any information on the website, for example: information about yourself, an announcement, post, article, comment or message that is informative, evaluative, claims, clarifying, supplementing and of a different nature.
  • IP Address — Every device on the Internet has a number called an IP address. These numbers are usually assigned in blocks based on geography, so the IP address can often determine where the device is connected to the Internet.
  • Pixel tag - is placed on the website or in an e-mail message in order to track the actions of visitors on the page or the moments of opening and receiving the letter. It is often used in conjunction with cookies.
  • A device is a computer used to access site services. It can be a regular PC, tablet or smartphone.